The Spiritual Aspect of Hajj
Now that we are at the threshold of performing our
auspicious religious precept of Hajj, it is necessary to consider its
gnostic, spiritual, social, political and cultural aspects. Many
dedicated friends have already discussed the merits of the various
aspects of Hajj and now I wish to make a brief and quick mention
of some of its aspects hoping to serve as a reminder.
Since there are delicate gnostic and spiritual hints in these
wonderful rituals, from the beginning of putting on a pilgrim's
garb "EHRAM" through "TALBIYA" or "LABBEYK" (Lit, Here
I am at Thy service), to the end, the details of which may not be
explained in this discourse, I would only mention some
indications of "TALBIYA".
Such repeated words of "LABBEYK" are only true from those
who have perceived God's call with their insight and, so, they
respond to Almighty God's call in thoroughness. The real issue is
our presence before God, and the contemplation of his beloved
glory; so much so that, one would say, the utterer has been
transported with ecstasy and thus, he is repeating his response to
the divine call, and consequently, he negates idolatry in its
absolute sense, in a way very well known to the pure-hearted
believers. Although negation of an associate to God means
negation of all degrees of association, including the negation of
the universe, in the view of the clear-sighted, and includes all
considerations of the commendables, as:
"Praise be to Thee and blessings are of Thee....", appropriates
the praise and blessings to the most sacred Supreme Being and
negates any associates, and this is the ultimate monotheism which
means that every praise and blessing that is realized in the world
of existence is praise to God and blessing of Him alone, and the
same is true in every station, wit, intelligence, motion, repose and
act and other than that is but idolatry in its general sense, and all
of us, the inwardly blind, are afflicted with it.(1)
The Spiritual degrees of Hajj, being the assets for eternal life
which bring man close to the horizons of monotheism and
doxologies may not be attained unless the Hajj rituals are
observed and performed properly and precisely and the
honorable Hajjis and clergymen of the caravans must make their
concerted efforts to teach and be taught the Hajj rituals and the
learned men are bound to be watchful lest their companions
violate the rules. The political and social aims of Hajj may not be
achieved unless the spiritual and religious duties are fulfilled and
your "LABBEYK" is true response to God's call; get attired in
pilgrim's garb for access to the threshold of Almighty God; while
repeating "LABBEYK", negate the existence of any associate to
God, whatsoever, and depart from your own ego, which is the
biggest origin of idolatry and polytheism and depart towards
Him, the Almighty, The Glorified, and hopefully, the demise of
the seekers of this degree will be after they have attained their
departure, and gained what reward they are entitled to, from
Allah. But if the spiritual aspects are ignored, you will hardly free
yourselves from the clutches of the carnal desires of your ego,
and as long as you are bound to your egotism, you will not be
able to fight for the cause of God and defend God's sanctuary.
You dear ones! beware! Look at those brave warriors of the
Islamic Republic who obtained God pleasing victories for Islam
and the Islamic country and now, a group of their "Living
Martyrs" are accompanying you in the Hajj ritual, and you should
learn your lesson from the tremendous change that has brought
about so much self-sacrifice in them. The Muslims should know
that, unless they experience such change, their inner satans (Devils) of
carnal desires as well as outer satans (Devils) will not let them think of
Muslim peoples and the wronged people of the world.(2)
Throughout the Divine MIQAT and at sacred stations, by the
blessed House of Almighty God, observe the rites of attendance
at the sacred presence of the Almighty God, and free your hearts
from any bondage to other than God, and empty them out of
other than the Friend and illuminate them with the rays of
heavenly lights so that your rites and rituals in this pace towards
God be adorned with the Abrahamian Hajj concepts and,
afterwards, with the Mohommadan Hajj concepts. And relieved
of natural acts, all of you, cleansed of selfishness and egotism,
and fully loaded with cognizance of God and love of the Beloved,
return to your homelands with your hands full of eternal
souvenirs instead of the perishable material objects. Join your
martyrdom-loving friends with your hands full of Islamic humane
values for the cause of which, the grand prophets--from
Abraham, God's friend (Khalilollah), to Muhammad, God's
beloved (pbuh)--were assigned. It is these values and motives that
can save man from bondage to malevolence and dependence on
the West or East and lead him the blessed tree of "No EAST, NO
Beware! the Hajj traverse is not an ordinary trip for trade and
worldly purposes: it is a traverse towards Allah. You are
departing for the House of God. All you do must be done
divinely. Your traverse, from the point it starts, is a departure
towards God (VAFD ELALLAH). Just as our saints traversed
towards Allah, throughout their lives, and deviated no single step
from that which was drawn up as the program for conjunction to
Allah, you too, are now in the state of "VOFOUD ILALLAH".
The Place where you go, at "MIQAT", you say (LABBEYK) to
Allah that means:
"We are responding to Your invitation". Beware, lest you do
something to which, Allah says: "no, I do not accept you because
you do not behave the Islamic way." Beware, lest you turn this
journey into a trade journey; all of you, whether clergymen
caravan heads or ordinary Hajjis; it is a journey towards Allah
and not towards the world. Do not besmear it with worldly
Amongst the most important conditions of all devotional
practices is sincerity in actions. Because if, God forbid, one does
something for gaudiness and parade and tries to show to others
the grace of his deeds, his actions will be marred. The honorable
Hajjis must be circumspect not to seek non-God's gratification in
their deeds. Spiritual aspects of Hajj are many and it is important
that the Hajji discerns where he is going and whose invitation
he is responding to, whose guest he is becoming and what the
ordinance of this feast is. He should further understand that
every sign of egotism contradicts devoutness and is in opposition
to departure towards Allah and will blemish the spirituality of
Hajj. But if this gnostic and spiritual aim is attained and the
"LABBEYK" be in real conformity with the invitation of
Almighty God, man will be triumphant in all political, social,
cultural and even military arenas. For such a person, there will be
no defeat. May God Almighty bless us all with a slight share of
such a spiritual traverse and heavenly departure.(5)
Those who journey to Hajj must circumspect not to blemish
their Hajj by perpetrating a sinful act. All they do must be
Islamic and devotional.
Processions must be devotional and unadulterated; slogans
must be devotional and unadulterated; in a way that it be for the
cause of God: not just be done arbitrarily, or one insults another
at pleasure. Such issues must be properly programmed in
advance and they must also be carefully taken care of.(6)
Magnificence of Mecca and the Sanctified
House of God
Amongst the points the honorable Hajjis must take into
consideration is the fact that the dignified Mecca and the exalted
shrines are mirrors of illustrious events of the movements of the
prophets and submission to God's will, and the prophetic mission
of the most generous Prophet of Islam (pbuh). Spot by spot, this
land has been the place of the glorious descending of the grand
prophets and of Gabriel, the trustworthy, and reminder of the
pains and afflictions the most generous Prophet (pbuh) has gone
through, in the cause of Islam and humanity, and attending these
sacred places and exalted shrines and considering the
overwhelmingly hard conditions of the prophetic mission of our
Prophet (pbuh) will make us better apprehend our responsibilities
in safeguarding the achievements of our movement and divine
mission, and appreciate how the Prophet (pbuh) and the
infallible Imams persevered in the cause of God's religion and to
efface the futile, and never feared the accusations, calumnies and
insolences of Abu-Lahabs, Abu-Jahls and Abu-Sufyans, and not-
withstanding the hardest conditions of siege, while being in
"SHE'B AB1-TALEB", never abstained and surrendered and
then endured the bitterness of migrations and hardships and
participation in frequent wars of unequal forces and fighting
against thousands of plots and sabotages, made efforts to guide
and advance people, so much so that the hearts of the rocks and
stones, deserts and mountains and streets and bazaars of Mecca
and Medina are full of tumult of messages of their prophetic
guidance, and if they could converse and disclose the secrets of
"So go thou straight, as thou hast been commanded" what the
pilgrims of the sanctified House of God would be able to realize
sufferings had the Prophet (pbuh) experienced in the cause of
our guidance and deliverance, and how heavy the responsibility
of his followers is. Our martyr-offering nation, though
experienced tremendous pains and sacrificed dear ones in the
cause of God, however, the extent of oppression that our
infallible Imams have gone through, largely exceeds that of ours.(7)
Ka'ba, the sanctified, is the principal center for overthrowing
the idol. Abraham, God's intimate (KHALILOLLAH), at the
beginning, and Mohammad, God's beloved (HABIBOLLAH),
and his dear descendant, Mahdi, may my soul be sacrificed to
him, at the end of the epoch, promulgated monotheism from
Almighty God said to Abraham: "and proclaim among men the
Pilgrimage, and they shall come unto thee on foot and upon
every lean beast, they shall come from every deep ravine".
And He Further said: "And do thou purify My House for those
that shall go about it and those that stand, for those that bow and
prostrate themselves";
This cleaning is of all sordidness, above all of which stands
polytheism, as is referred to, in the beginning of the noble verse.
And as we read in Sura Al-Towbah:(8)
A proclamation, from God and His Messenger, unto mankind
on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage: God and His Messenger
disgust the idolaters.
The sanctified House of God is the first House built for the
public. It is a peoples' House.
No personality, tribe or government enjoys the privilege of
priority in it. Desert dwellers, rustic people and the homeless are
considered equal in status, to the city dwellers, the statesmen or
to those secluded in Ka'ba. This dignified House belongs to
peoples and is appropriated for peoples' uprisings and
movements and for public benefits.(9)
This sacred Mosque and all other mosques have been centers
of war organizations, policy makings and social and political
affairs. The Mosque of the Prophet (pbuh) was not only a place
for discussing devotional issues , such as prayers and fasting, but
more discussed were the political matters. Every time they
wanted to dispatch people to a war they began from the
Mecca is a place in which all prophets have performed their
duties and now it is captured by a group of profane people who
do not know what to do and do not understand what has been
inflicted on them and the Muslims. It is a shame for all Muslims
of the world that the sanctity of Mecca, the divine sanctuary, the
most sacred divine station, be thus broken and the Muslims be
just sitting and watching.
But the Muslims are aware of their duties. the issue must be
kept lively.(11)
You attained the honor of pilgrimage to the House that God
allocated for people and which is the first House allocated for the
public as He has said: "The first House established for the people
was that at Becca, a place holy, and a guidance to all beings."
This proves that Almighty God has summoned all to Islam and
allocated this House for all the people of the world, from the very
beginning of prophecy mission to the end.
It is the House of people with no preference given to any
person or persons, group or race in particular. All the people
throughout the world, east or west, are required to become
Muslims and make regular pilgrimage to this House which is
allocated for human beings.(12)
How lucky you are, who were honored with the pilgrimage to
the dignified Mecca, the center of divine revelation, and to the
magnificent Medina, the center of prophecy. May God Almighty
accept your pilgrimage meritoriously.(13)
The Philosophy of Hajj Rites
Circumambulating the House of God denotes the fact that
we should not be attracted to other than God; and the stoning at
Aqabat means stoning the devils of both, humankind and Jinn.
By stoning the devils you should pledge to God to expel the
human devils and superpowers from the endeared Islamic
Nowadays the Islamic world is seized by America. You must
convey God's message to the Muslims of different continents, to
worship none but God.(14)
While repeating "LABBEYK" say "NO" to all idols and cry out
"NO" to all the princes of the devils and the princekins of the
devils; and while circumambulating God's sanctuary which
denotes your love to God, disengage your hearts from the rest,
and purge your soul from phobia of other than God, and along
with your love to God, divulge your hatred of the little and big
idols and the devils and their affiliates, as the Exalted God and
His friends have expressed hatred of them, and all the liberated
people of the world do hate them.
And while touching the "Black Stone", pledge to God to turn
into an enemy against the enemies of God, His messengers, the
liberated and pious men and never yield to them, no matter who
and where they might be, and wipe away phobia and inferiority
from your hearts, for God's enemies and above them all, the
arch Satan, are themselves helpless, though being superior in
committing homicide and suppression and the implementation of
While perambulating between Safa and Marva, try, with all
sincerity and righteousness to acquire the Beloved, as, by
acquiring Him all the worldly woven webs shall be ruptured and
all the doubts and mistrusts collapsed, all the carnal aspirations
and desires expired, all the material bonds turn up and liberalities
flourished and all the ties and attachments to the Devil and the
despot will be detached.
Proceed to Mash'arel-Haram and Arafat with state of
cognition and gnosis, and at each station add on your confidence
in God's promises of realization of the dominion of the deprived,
and silently and serenely meditate on divine signs, determine to
save the deprived and the dispossessed, from the grips of the
world arrogant and pray to Almighty God, at these noble
stations, to open up deliverance for all.
Then proceed to Mena and preceive the righteous wishes, i.e.
sacrificing your most beloved thing for the absolute Beloved's
sake, and know that unless you abandon these beloved things,
above which, stands your self-love--and worldliness is subject to it
--you cannot gain accession to the Absolute Beloved. It is at this
state that you must repel the devil and make him retreat.
Observing divine decrees, repeat the act of repelling the devil
and the devil kins and make them all retreat.(15)
On this heavenly journey you are going to stone the Devil.
If, God forbid, you be one of devil's gang, then you will be
stoning yourselves too. You must become God-like so that your
stoning be Godly stoning of the Devil.
You pause at noble stations. Beware lest your pauses at these
noble stations are affected by a sinful act, an offence or
something that ruins not only your honor before God, but also
degrades, the prestige value of Islam. Nowadays the fame of
Islam is dependent on your deeds, who are going on a collective
journey to these noble stations and other Muslims meet and
observe you.(16)
The Temple of Mecca and the dignified Ka'ba will embrace
some dear pilgrims who have revived the Hajj ritual from
political retreat and essential perversion and drawn it towards
Abrahamian and Mohammadan Hajj, demolished the idols of
East and West and demonstrated the meaning of public uprising
and exclaiming disgust at the pagans.
The heart of MIQAT beats, eagerly, to receive the pilgrims
arriving from the country of "no east, no west" slogan to respond
to God's invitation to the straight path of humanity by their
repeating "LABBEYK", and by rejecting both the eastern and
western schools and nationalistic perversions, eradicate
clannishness and show the feelings of brotherhood, equality and
sympathy to all nations without considering the color, nationality,
milieu and zone, and attempt at strengthening unity among all
Muslims, and fight against the enemies of humanity and the
world mongers and despots, united.
And the JAMARAT is awaiting the self-sacrifices who come
from a country whose brave nation has expelled all the big and
small and medium size devils from their country and severed
their filthy hands from its homeland treasures and at this sacred
place, too, they will oust and expel the devils from the Mecca and
its surroundings, being the whole world, by throwing their stones
and sounding off their slogans.
And ARAFAT, MASH'AR and MENA will host those whose
devout nation, possessing sound political conscience and gnosis
has risen up to realize the Islamic ideals in its own country and in
the other tyrannized countries and defame the false politicians
who, by their fraud and trickery, have attacked the meek people
of the world and pilfered their assets.(17)
You must know that the essential remedy lies in the unity of
the Muslims in all, and their general congregation to cut the
hands of the superpowers off the Islamic countries and actualize,
the rites of the noble stations and exalted shrines in their own
The Necessity of Attending to Quran During Hajj
I would like to remind the dear pilgrims that during their
journey to the dignified Mecca and the illuminated Medina and
in all the sanctified stations, never neglect their sociability with
the divine book of guidance, the exalted Quran, as, whatever the
Muslims have achieved and will achieve is by the abundant
blessings of this Holy Book.
At the same time I should ask all the distinguished scholars,
the children of Quranic teachings and the esteemed scientists not
to neglect this sacred book which is "the pronouncer of
everything" (TIBIAN KOLLE SHEI'), and has been issued from
the All-Divine sanctuary. And flashed into the heart of the "First
Light" and the revelation of the "All-in-All" (JAM'OL JAM').
This heavenly-divine book which contains the objective and
scriptural feature of all heavenly Names and Attributes and
proofs and evidence, to whose occult attainments we have no
access, and of whose mysteries, none but the sacred wholesome
being of its particular addressee (Lit., MAN KHOTEBA BEHI)
is cognizant, and the chaste saints have perceived their
cognizance by the grace of His blessings and through His
teachings, and by the grace of their own heartily diligence, those
of pure cognition, have been able to attain a sparkle of it,
commensurate with their degrees of perception and spiritual
attainment and now that the scriptural feature of it from
revelation tongue, being descended through stages and degrees,
has been placed in our hands, with no single letter diminution or
addition, we must be careful, lest, God forbid, it is deserted,
notwithstanding the fact that its various dimensions, and in each
dimension, the various stages and degrees, are beyond the
comprehension of ordinary man. However, those of cognition and
exploration can benefit by this endless treasury of theosophy and
Muhammadan ocean of inquisition and pass it on to others. The
people of philosophy and reasoning, by inquiring into the
mysteries appertaining to this divine book, should reveal inklings
of these profound issues, solve and disclose the theosophical
problems and convey to those interested. And the pious men of
self-discipline and self-consciousness should gift to the thirsty for
this "KOWSAR", a fragrance and a draught of what their hearts
have perceived from "ADDABANI RABBI" (God so trained me),
and educate them with divine culture, as much as possible. And
those chaste, thirsty for guidance, should impart to those
inflamed with love for divine guidance, a sparkle of what
guidance they have achieved by the grace of their chastity, from
the fountain-head of "guidance for the virtuous" (Lit., HODAN
LEL-MOTTAQIN). And, lastly, every group of the elite scholars
and honorable scientists should elaborately expound one of the
heavenly dimensions of this holy book, make efforts to discourse
upon the political, social, economical, martial and cultural
enlightenments of the holy Quran as well as the know-how of
peace and war management, in order to unveil to all, that this
book is the fountain head of everything, from gnosticism and
philosophy to literature and politics so that the burning desire of
the devotees of the holy Quran be calmed down and the
ignorant no longer say that gnosticism and philosophy are but
some fabrications and asceticism and that such wayfaring are but
the pastime of the calendar dervishes, or, what Islam has to do
with politics and government and management of the state, as,
this is the king's job and of the presidents and the worldly
minded, or Islam is merely a religion of peace and reconciliation
and detests war, even with the despots. Then they deal with the
holy Quran the same way the unenlightened Church and the
demagogue political leaders did with the religion of the exalted
O! religious seminaries, O! inquisitive academies! rise up and
save the holy Quran from the evil of the ascetic ignorant and the
impudent scholars who attack the holy Quran and Islam
knowingly and deliberately. I, myself, admit, seriously, not out of
modesty, that I regret for my life wasted on errors and mistakes,
and you, dear children of Islam, awaken the seminaries and the
universities to their sense of responsibility to heed the merits of
the holy Quran and its numerous dimensions. Make it your
uppermost aim and point of view to teach the holy Quran, every
scope of it. Beware, lest, God forbid, at old age, suffering from
decrepitude, feel sorry for your deeds and regret your youth, like
the author. We must know that, the reason why this everlasting
Book has been descended for the guidance of man, of every race
and color and at every land and region, up to the eternity, is to
maintain the validity of the important and vital issues, and make
it clear that the problems referred to in the Book, do not belong
to one era or area and never suppose that Abraham, Moses and
Mohammad (pbuh) meant to belong to one particular time.(19)
The Necessity of Careful Learning of the Hajj
It is necessary for the Hajj pilgrims to learn the problems of
Hajj, both the incumbent and interdicted, from the elite ulema,
in order that no violations incur which will squander all their
efforts, or may cause the pilgrims not become MOHEL and
create problems for them.(20)
Amongst the significant matters necessary for the honorable
pilgrims and clergymen of caravnans to spend their worthy time
on, is to teach and to learn the Hajj problems, as negligence in
this duty may cause many burdensome problems such as
nullification of the Hajj rituals, or, their halting in EHRAM
The distinguished ulema of the caravans should invite the
pilgrims of their supervised caravans to training sessions on Hajj
rituals and the pilgrims are strongly required not to be remiss a
moment, but try to learn the problems whole-heartedly and
perform the rituals with full awareness.(21)
I would like to point out to the pilgrims of the sanctified House
of God, to scrupulously learn the rites and rituals from the
clergymen of the caravans and never proceed to the rituals
without their guidance. Many a time, God forbid, your
performance may be nullified, by negligence and you may not be
able to compensate it to the end of your life and halt in EHRAM
status, and return back home carrying problems for yourselves
and your relatives. This is a canonical obligation not to be
neglected. I further point out to the respectable clergymen that,
in addition to expressly expounding problems to their supervised
groups through various sessions, they must be careful to watch
them during their performances and give them necessary
I have to point out to the honorable ulema and clergymen of
the caravans to convene sessions to discuss the canonical
problems and humane responsibilities to the pilgrims, before
their departure.(23)
I would like to point out to our honorable sisters and brothers
from other Muslim countries, before anything else, to perform
the Hajj rituals--this lofty adoration--resplendently and as
decreed, and try to learn its problems scrupulously, from the elite
ulema, lest, God forbid, upon completion of performance and
lapse of time, it becomes known that you have defaulted and your
whole endeavors are squandered.(24)
The spiritual attainments of Hajj which are man's assets to
eternal life and the cause for admittance to the horizons of
monotheism and adoration, may not be achieved except by
scrupulous performance of the devotional commandments. The
honorable pilgrims and caravan clergymen must make
determined efforts to learn and teach the Hajj rituals, and it is up
to the learned to observe their companions, lest the
commandments be violated by their companions.(25)
At any rate, the above duty is the responsibility of the caravan
clergymen, I mean, it is one of their responsibilities. Another
important duty is to familiarize people with Hajj problems. Many
a time one sees Hajj pilgrims who make their efforts but are
ignorant of Hajj problems and then they face difficulties there. A
few years after they return, they ask: "We performed our rituals
this way; is our Hajj performance acceptable?" or "We did not do
such and such; are we right or not? are we, still, MOHREM or
The ulema must convene sessions to teach people, the Hajj
rites and rituals; explain to them the compulsory rites and the
forbidden acts, in daily sessions and people are required to attend
such sessions, if they exist. They should go and learn the Hajj
problems, so they will not be burdened later on, when they get
back home, being doubtful about whether or not their rites have
been perfectly performed. Once you have learned the problems,
your practices will be free from faults. This is also compulsory for
all. The clergymen must discharge this responsibility and people
must pursue to learn the Hajj problems. Not just say that: "We
only want to make journey to Mecca, come what may". No. This
is different from other places. Now, one goes on a pilgrimage to a
shrine. It does not matter if his pilgrimage ends up to nothing.
He will not face a serious problem then. But in this Place, he will
face problems. He will remain MOHREM. He will have to make
another Hajj pilgrimage, then. This kind of problems will arise,
and pursue to learn them for your own sake, so that you will not
default and fall into difficulties later on. This, too, is another
matter of concern.(26)
Participation in Mass Prayers of Sunni Brothers
Perform the circumambulation rite ordinarily, as all the
pilgrims do. Avoid what the ignorant ones do and what many
disgrace the religion absolutely.
During VOQUFEIN, observance of the decrees of the Sunni
judges is necessary and allowed, even if deemed inappropriate.(27)
It is necessary that our Iranian brothers as well as Shias of all
other countries avoid any unwise actions that may create a schism
within the Muslim lines. They are required to join the Sunni
brothers¨ mass prayers. They should also avoid convening mass
prayers inside their houses, and utilizing loud speakers
inordinately, and they must abstain from throwing themselves on
the holy tombs, or doing things that are sometimes against canon
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the world Muslims on the
occasion of opening the great devotional-political Hajj Congress
and Eid-e Qurban (Feast of Sacrifices) dated Aug. 28,
1984--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 42.
- Ibid, p. 44.
- From Imam Khomeini's message on the occasion of
Eid-e-Qurban (Feast of Sacrifices), dated Sept. 19, 1982.
- From the speech of Imam Khomeini's addressing a group of
clerics and heads of Hajj caravans on Sept. 29, 1979--Sahifah
Noor, vol. 9, p. 238.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.
15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 199.
- From Imam Khomeini's speech, addressing a group of Hajj
caravan clerics, personnel of Public Prosecutor's office, personnel
of the Islamic Revolution courts and personnel of the Armed
Forces Public Prosecutor's Office, on Aug. 21, 1982--Sahifah
Noor, vol. 17, p. 30.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated July
27, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 132.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims and all
Muslims of the world on the occasion of Eid-e-Qurban (Feast of
Sacrifices) dated Sept. 2, 1983--Sahifah Noor, vol. 18, p. 87.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to Muslims of the world on
the occasion of Eid-e-Qurban (Feast of Sacrifices) dated Aug. 28,
1984--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 43.
- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing the minister and
executives of the Ministry of Islamic Guidance, Hajj
Organization Personnel and Imam's representatie and supervisor
of Iranian pilgrims and the caravan clerics on Aug. 16,
1983--Sahifah Noor, vol. 18, p. 67.
- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing the President,
Prime Minister and the cabinet on the occasion of the
government week, on Aug. 22, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p.
- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing a group of
Pakistani pilgrims on Nov. 6, 1980--Sahifah Noor, vol. 13, p. 163.
- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing a group of the
Armed Forces officers upon their return from Hajj pilgrimage, on
Nov. 3, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 10, p. 223.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Sept.
28, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 226.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug. 6,
1986--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 8.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.
15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 197.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.
15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 197.
- Ibid, p. 202.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug. 6,
1986--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 19.
- From Imam Khomeini's message on the occasion of Eid-e
Qurban (Feast of Sacrifices), dated Sept. 19, 1982--Sahifah Noor,
vol. 17, p. 28.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, and the
world Muslims on the occasion of Eid-e Qurban (Feast of
Sacrifices), dated Sept. 2, 1983--Sahifah Noor, vol. 18, p. 88.
- Ibid, dated Aug. 6, 1986, vol. 20, p. 19.
- From Imam Khomeini's message regarding duties of the
pilgrims, dated Sept. 19, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 176.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.
15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 199.
- From Imam Khomeini's message to the Muslims of the world
on the occasion of the grand devotional-political congress of Hajj
and Eid-e-Qurban (Feast of Sacrifices), dated Aug. 28,
1984--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 44.
- From Imam Khomeini's speech, addressing the caravan
clerics, personnel of Public Prosecutor's Office, personnel of the
Islamic Revolutionary Courts and personnel of the Armed Forces
Public Prosecutor's Office, dated Aug. 21, 1982--Sahifah Noor,
vol. 16, p. 255.
- From Imam Khomeini's message regarding the duties of the
pilgrims, dated Sept. 19, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 177.
- From Imam Khomeini's message regarding the duties of the
pilgrims, dated Sept. 19, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 176.